Manage your Weight in the HCG Diet Way

HCG Secretion
  1. HCG is a hormone secreted by the placenta in pregnant women.
  2. The full expansion of HCG is Human Chronic Gonadotropin.
  3. Doctors first observed that overweight pregnant women lost weight and hence conducted studies.
  4. It was found that coupled with HCG injections, a low calorie diet and exercise, it was possible to lose the fat and some inches too.
  5. HCG has not been approved by the FDA for weight loss, however it has been approved for the treatment of other medical problems.
Usage and Method
  1. The HCG diet was originally developed by Dr. A. T. W. Simeons to help obese patients to enable them to quickly and safely lose weight. It was meant for those obese patients who would otherwise have developed dangerous health conditions.
  2. For weight loss purposes, HCG is used in very low doses.
  3. The recommended dosage is 20 units, weekly.
  4. It has to be injected, as this is the only proven method for its positive effect.
  5. If required and after evaluation by your medical practitioner, more frequent injections maybe given.
Benefits of HCG Injectable
  1. It has a positive effect on your mood.
  2. It increases your energy levels.
  3. It also helps people suffering from back pain.
  4. It relives pain from those suffering from migranes.
  5. It helps reduce more inches, rapidly.
  6. It does not act on patients whose weight is not in the recommended range or where their BMI (body mass index) falls short.
  7. HCG acts only on the abnormal fat or on the “spare tire”.
  8. It is a safe and quick way of losing weight.
  9. HCG injections keep you from losing body muscle, while undergoing the treatment.
  10. The HCG Diet Weight Loss program provides for a stronger metabolism, maintenance of weight loss after the diet program is completed.
The HCG Diet
  1. This diet was original designed to encourage a healthier lifestyle limiting the use of less fatty foods and certain products.
  2. There are 7 variations of the original HCG diet.
  3. There are two time periods for the HCG weight loss treatment – a short term and one that lasts for 40 days.
  4. Whichever variation is followed, it basically recommends the limitation of consumption of foods such as sweet fruits, starchy foods, eggs, and milk.
  5. The HCG diet also curtails the use of certain topical products such as lotions, chap-stick and conditioners, which contain fatty substances or harmful chemicals, which may cause reactions.
Preparing to Lose Weight the HCG Way
  1. Mentally prepare yourself by writing down all the reasons why you have chosen to lose weight. Remember these goals and stay focused throughout the entire program.
  2. Your physical preparation will involve stocking up on foods that conform to the HCG diet program.
  3. The HCG program has multiple recipes that conform to the requirements for calorie intake.
  4. Make sure you pre-cook your food and there is ample food available, so that you do not resort to vending machines and fast food, just because you were not prepared. That would defeat the purpose of the diet.
  5. Use charts to keep track of the weight you have lost and the inch loss, as well.
  6. Weigh yourself each morning after voiding.
  7. While weighing yourself wear garments of a similar nature, so as to not to cause a variance while weighing in.
Is HCG Safe?

HCG is safe for both men and women. Consult with a doctor before starting this diet. In case of any swelling, shortness of breath, dizziness or heavy redness, consult with a doctor, immediately.
